Observations 2.0
a.k.a. being a little lazy.
Well, it may be the figment of my imagination, but some of the women around here are really tall. More than usual. Doesn’t meant sexy and good looking, simply anatomical observation.
Cars for sale, parked on the streets, have a silly plastic gallon canister on the roof. Picture a Ford Escort 1997 for sale, with an empty (presumably) bottle of windshield wiper fluid canister thingy.
I bet that it’s a bitch to drive here, once you move from US. Cop cars here drive with their flashing lights on. All the time. Not just when they pull over someone or rush to catch OJ, but all the time. I catch myself getting self-conscious every time a cop car nears by. Old habits…
Wine is cheap here. I mean, really, dangerously cheap. And good. And cheap. Anyone finds a problem with that? Good thing that none of us are alcoholics. Those guys go to meetings, we don’t.
Wireless everywhere rules. On that note, so does James Altucher. His new book just came out today. Louisa and I, both, promptly bought a copy. In case you care enough:
James Altucher’s Choose Yourself Boook
PS I need to learn Spanish. If I don’t, I won’t be able to fake the Russian accent:
places like this are pretty popular around here. Buying fruits and veggies can be dirt cheap.
they’re fans of ALTA around here too 🙂
you can learn to dance Tango in front of the Armenia restaurant.
too many Armenian places around here. Way more than New York or anywhere else in USA, other than Los Angeles. This is a restaurant, Theathre Tadron (armenian for theater). We were there on Sunday evening and they had a live theater. We didn’t see it, but heard it in the restaurant area.
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